
1 4th As A Decimal

1/four as a decimal is 0.25

Want to practice?

In the fraction one/4 , the number one is

  • Numerator
  • Denominator
  • Decimal
  • Fraction

In the fraction 1/four , the number four is

  • Numerator
  • Denominator
  • Decimal
  • Fraction

What is the equivalent fraction to 1/iv?

  • iii/26
  • 12/4
  • five/20
  • 4/xviii

What is the equivalent fraction to ane/four?

  • 3/12
  • seven/27
  • 5/xvi
  • 4/18


a) The long partition

The long partitioning method involved the partitioning of the numerator by the denominator. The numerator is the number at the top of the fraction and the denominator is the number at the bottom of the fraction.

Let the states practice the sectionalisation  $$1\div4$$.

What_is_1_4_as_a_decimal_2 img

Hence the decimal form of the fraction $$\frac14$$ is 0.25.

b) The equivalent fraction.

The equivalent fraction is the fashion of representing a fraction in the class of their multiples. All the equivalent fractions of a fraction simplify to the same fraction.

The equivalent fraction of a fraction can exist formed by multiplying the numerator and the denominator by the aforementioned number.



Convert the fraction $$\frac14$$ to equivalent fraction with the denominator 100


Here it can be observed that 25 is the number that has to be multiplied to the denominator to make information technology 100. Since for an equivalent fraction the numerator should exist multiplied by the same number as the denominator, nosotros can multiply 1 with 25.

Boost your score Write the fraction 1/4 as a decimal using1 img

The dominion to convert such fractions to decimals is

  • Count the number of zeros in the denominator.
  • Movement the decimal point of the numerator as many places to the left.
  • Here we have 2 zeros, then the decimal is to be moved to the left by ii places.


We get the same answer as the previous method.

Call up

Here are some common terms you lot should be familiar with.

  • In the fraction  $$\frac14$$, the number ane is the dividend ( our numerator )
  • The number four is our divisor ( our denominator) .

We invite you to read other manufactures on decimal and fraction, on our weblog, to observe out how converting decimal to fraction.

Yous may be interested in what is four/v equally a decimal fraction?

Find More Fractions to Decimals

1 4th As A Decimal,


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